Workshop on Computer Architecture Education

Held in conjunction with the

29th International Symposium on Computer Architecture

Anchorage, AK
Sunday, May 26, 2002

Final Program

Session 1. Welcome and Keynote  8:30-9:20

 8:30  Welcome Edward F. Gehringer, workshop organizer

 8:35  Keynote address: "Introducing new variables and constraints into computer architecture education," Fayé A. Briggs, Intel Corporation   3

Session 2. Teaching New Perspectives on Computer Architecture 9:20-10:00

 9:20  "Teaching processor architecture with a VLSI perspective," Mircea R. Stan and Kevin Skadron, University of Virginia   4

 9:35   "Teaching students computer architecture for new nanotechnologies," Michael T. Niemier and Peter M. Kogge, University of Notre Dame  10

 9:50  Discussion

Break 10:00-10:30

Session 3. Teaching with Custom Computer Architectures  10:30-11:15

10:30  "Using custom hardware and simulation to support computer systems teaching," Murray Pearson, Dean Armstrong, and Tony McGregor, University of Waikato  19

10:45  "On the design of a new CPU architecture for pedagogical purposes," Daniel Ellard, David Holland, Nicholas Murphy, and Margo Seltzer, Harvard University   27

11:05  Discussion

Session 4. Active Learning  11:15-12:00

11:15  "Questions to enhance active learning in computer architecture," Mark Fienup and J. Philip East, University of Northern Iowa    34

11:25  "An active learning environment for intermediate computer architecture courses," Jayantha Herath, Sarnath Ramnath, Ajantha Herath, and Susantha Herath, St. Cloud State University  41

11:35  Discussion

Lunch (on your own) 12:00-1:30

Session 5. Simulators and Tools  1:30-3:30

 1:30   "Effective support of simulation in computer architecture instruction," Christopher T. Weaver, Eric Larson, Todd Austin, University of Michigan   48

 1:50   "Web-based training on computer architecture: The case for JCachesim," Irina Branovic, University of Siena, and Roberto Giorgi and Antonio Prete, University of Pisa  56

 2:10  "Digital LC-2: From bits & gates to a Little Computer," Albert Cohen, INRIA, and Olivier Temam, Université Paris-Sud   61

 2:30   "MipsIt--A simulation and development environment using animation for computer architecture education," Mats Brorsson, KTH, Royal Institute of Technology   65

 2:50  "CoDeNios: A function-level co-design tool," Yann Thoma and Eduardo Sanchez, Swiss Federal Inst. of Technology, Lausanne   73

 3:10  Discussion

Break and Poster Session  3:30-4:15

       "How computers really work: A children's guide," Shirley Crossley and Hugh Osborne, University of Huddersfield, and William Yurcik, Illinois State University  79

       "Update Plans: pointers in teaching computer architecture," Hugh Osborne and Jirí Mencák, University of Huddersfield   84

       "Castle: Computer Architecture Self-Testing and Learning System," Aleksandar Milenkovic, University of Alabama in Huntsville, Bosko Nikolic and Jovan Djordjevic, University of Belgrade  89

       "Development of a digital instrument as a motivational component in teaching embedded computers," Gracián Triviño and Felipe Fernández, Universidad Politécnica    93

       "ILP in the undergraduate curriculum," Daniel Tabak, George Mason Univeristy   98

Session 6. Resources for Architecture Courses  4:15-6:00

 4:15   "PECTOPAH: Promoting Education in Computer Technology Using an Open-Ended Pedagogically Adaptable Hierarchy," Hugh Osborne, Shirley Crossley and Jirí Mencák, University of Huddersfield, William Yurcik, Illinois State University   102

 4:35   "Read, use, simulate, experiment and build: An integrated approach for teaching computer architecture," Ioannis Papaefstathiou and Christos Sotiriou, University of Crete   105

 4:55  "An integrated laboratory for computer architecture and networking," Takamichi Tateoka, Mitsugu Suzuki, Kenji Kono, Youichi Maeda and Kôki Abe, University of Electro-Communications  110

 5:10  "A lab course of computer organization," J. Real, J. Sahuquillo, A. Pont, and A. Robles, Technical University of Valencia   118

 5:30  "A survey of Web resources for teaching computer architecture," William Yurcik, Illinois State University and Edward F. Gehringer, North Carolina State University   125

 5:45  Discussion