Workshop on Computer Architecture Education

Held in conjunction with the

29th International Symposium on Computer Architecture

Anchorage, AK
Sunday, May 26, 2002

Welcome Message

Welcome to the Workshop on Computer Architecture Education! By my unofficial count, this is the tenth such workshop since the series began at HPCA-1 in January 1995. I am pleased to announce that this WCAE received the second largest number of submissions ever, and the overall quality of the papers appears to meet or exceed that of all past workshops. This year's keynote address will be given by Fayé A. Briggs, who has a long and distinguished career as a researcher and textbook writer in acade-mia, and now as director of chipset architecture for the world's largest manufacturer of processor chips. A new feature of the workshop is discussion periods in every session, giving participants a chance to explore important aspects of teaching with the presenters. I hope that this will give you ideas you can take back to use in your own teaching, and then report on them at future WCAEs. I look forward to excellent presentations and excellent interactions with all of you.

Edward F. Gehringer, Workshop Organizer
Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Dept. of Computer Science
North Carolina State University