New Students
Pronunciation Advice
I am hardly an authority on correct pronunciation, but I have
noticed some pronunciations that jar.
I have two motivations in developing this page. In an ideal world,
perhaps pronunciation shouldn't matter if your meaning is clear. But
in the real world it does. Further, I conjecture that an increased
sensitivity for language will also help in writing better.
Below, I list some words that seem to cause trouble for many
people. I won't presume to tell you how to pronounce them, but if you
are curious, you can check for yourself. I often look up dictionary.com. If
you are sure about something and the online sources seem to disagree,
it helps to look up another dictionary—one of the old hardcopy
Tricky Words
- Adwait
- Castelfranchi
- Cochran
- Cockburn
- Hang
- Huhns
- Likert
- Munindar
- Nirav
- Singh
- Tambe
- Rafael
- Siobhan
- Skype
- Wang
- Zhe
Quite Common
- February
- Internet
- LaTeX
- Mississippi
- Wednesday
- academic and academy
- accelerometer
- adhere
- adieu
- affect and effect
- allow
- among
- analogy
- analysis
- assume and assumption
- attacker
- author
- authoring
- axiom
- bias
- binomial and binominal (the latter is not a common word)
- bury and buries
- career
- compilation
- cooperate
- dairy and diary
- debt
- decipher
- decision
- derogatory
- determine
- deteriorate
- diagnosis
- dilemma
- dissertation
- employee
- environment
- epitome
- equivalence
- etc.
- examine
- expertise
- five
- formalism
- gauge
- gauging
- generic
- higher
- ideology
- incumbent
- indices
- inevitably
- infinite and finite
- intuition (also tuition)
- iterate (also iteration and iterative)
- kappa
- legacy
- library
- listen
- manipulate
- mathematics
- matrices
- measure
- methodology
- modular
- morale
- necessary (also necessity)
- occur
- onerous
- oracle
- overall
- overarching
- paradigm and paradigmatic
- parameters
- pattern
- phenomenon
- politics versus political
- possible
- premise and surmise
- prerogative
- prevalence, prevalent
- probability
- propagate
- pronunciation
- psychology, psychologist
- quote versus coat
- rationale
- referral
- relative
- rumor
- social
- soliciting
- sphere (dictionary.com seems to be wrong on this one)
- swap
- synonym
- technology
- tier
- training
- trait
- twelve
- world
- yield
- Zionist
Somewhat Rare
- Adidas
- Antarctica
- Arctic
- Galois
- accept
- adobe
- among
- amphitheater
- arbiter
- architecture
- baccalaureate
- bias
- breakfast
- cabal
- causal
- chase
- chimera
- coarse
- cohesive
- compared
- compute
- context
- contract
- courteous
- customer
- daily
- definitely
- delay and defense
- desideratum and desiderata
- domain
- embarrass and embarrassing
- emphasis
- expand
- feasible
- fiery
- film
- genre
- gesture
- ginger
- glove
- granularity
- hazard
- hours versus ours
- hypotheses
- individual
- jeopardy
- leisure
- lethargy
- lever versus liver
- leverage
- litigious
- Liu
- living
- logarithm
- longitude
- lose versus loose
- manually
- maximum
- Moby
- morality
- mortgage
- mundane
- none
- novel
- obesity
- onion
- only
- orthogonal
- oven
- owner
- pathology, pathologist
- pedagogue versus pedagogy and pedagogical
- Philippines
- plan
- police
- Poisson
- potato
- pronominal
- proprietary
- psyche (noun versus verb)
- quality
- question
- questionnaire
- Quora
- radiology, radiologist
- Rawlsian
- realm
- Realtor
- reliable
- remain
- renege
- respite
- restore and restoration
- rete
- scratch
- severity
- sigma
- significant
- spaghetti
- spurious
- stellar
- stifle
- stochastic
- success
- succinct
- target
- tether
- threshold
- uses
- utilitarian
- viable
- vignette
- where (also while)
- widget
- wizard