New Students
A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds,
adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance from here
This page is meant for my advisees. It enumerates several
grammatical, stylistic, and other habits I have acquired about
writing, editing, and presenting over the years. They may seem
idiosyncratic in some cases, but often there is method to my
madness. Even when these editing habits are idiosyncratic, I will
insist on them.
To my advisees who might find these demands onerous: These are
merely elements of the pursuit of perfection. I want you to
develop an eye for detail. I should point out that I learned most
of the following simply from observing good practices, not from
being told. The fact that I am telling you in considerable detail
is a great favor I do you: You should be so happy to learn these
good practices that you wouldn't think of questioning any of the
following recommendations now :-). (Seriously, though, I am
surprised that I have to point you to this page again and
An important observation: You simply have no choice but to learn
to get your grammar and the rest of writing straight. You cannot
outsource it. In particular, professional dissertation editors,
who make a business of fixing students' writing, often leave some
presentational errors and, worse, introduce technical errors and
ambiguities. I am saying this on an evidence of one for a
dissertation editor that a student of mine used plus several
instances of professional editing I have seen my own and others'
writing go through. Professional editors can help, but you remain
responsible for what you write.
This page mixes in general advice and the expectations I have
regarding any drafts or papers that I am handed by a student. I
frequently notice these being violated by students. The
violations distract me from scientific discussions which, after
all, is what we should concentrate on. I hope to get these points
better organized as I get the time. Your comments are
Notes on Writing
- See my page on Guidelines for Writing
- Be willing to reorganize your paper and rewrite large parts of
it. It is generally a bad idea to get attached to some phrasing.
Mark Twain once recommended that authors should find their
favorite sentence in whatever they wrote and delete it.
- Spell check the whole document; then proof read it. It is rude
to off-load this task on your readers (unless as a special
request to proof read some writing after you have already proof
read it yourself). Some reviewers will be quite offended to see
bugs that you should have caught.
- Don't hesitate to get other students to comment on your work.
They can help identify potential problems with the exposition or
the content that you or I may not notice.
- Reusing your own prose is potentially tricky. It is OK to share
text between an externally submitted or published paper and an
internal document (thesis, dissertation, written prelim,
technical report). Specifically, a submission can be identical
to a TR. However, there should not be two concurrent external
submissions of the same material or a submission after a separate
publication. It is OK to share across workshops and conferences,
but a short note in the paper (indicating overlap) is
When you work on a new topic or have sufficiently new
results, but with a similar motivation and technical framework as
before, it is tempting to reuse old prose. In my experience, it
is better to rewrite the motivation, because each (intended)
target audience is different. For the technical framework, it
might be OK to reuse older (debugged) descriptions as background
with acknowledgment of previous publication. This assumes there
are enough new results in the rest of the paper. The
justification for reuse is that you can't be expected to invent,
e.g., a new temporal logic, in each paper. Moreover, you can
relate your new work more easily to the existing body of work by
using the framework used in the existing work. Of course, this
presumes your interesting results are not in the logic per
- Remember to acknowledge any financial support you receive through
the university. Ask me for the numbers (IDs) of any grants that
may have supported your work. Thank others who gave you
comments. Don't thank your coauthors! If you thank some people,
spell their names correctly, and use their given names and
last names. For anonymous submissions, include the text but
comment it out so it is ready to be uncommented when the paper
is accepted.
Word Processing
- Use Latex and Bibtex for any serious writing.
- Use the style of any conference that you are targeting. I
suggest ACM because it has a fussy bibliography checker that will
catch errors others may miss.
- Overleaf is the popular way to prepare Latex documents. Overleaf
complicates a few things but its convenience overall for
collaborative work makes it a winner.
- Change the main document in an Overleaf project to be the
current one. I suggest a name other than the default main.tex. Also
check that the TeX Live version is the latest available.
- Don't place styles in your project that are part of the Latex
distribution. For example, IEEE and ACM are part of the Latex
distribution. Including your copies in the best case has no benefit
(but causes clutter) and in the worst case tells Overleaf to use the
obsolete version you included instead of the latest one
- As for software in general, warnings are a sign that something is
off. Make an effort to clear all of them. The only warnings that
should remain are if you are being compelled to use a style that is
not compatible with the latest distributions.
- I suggest cloning your Overleaf project to a folder on your
computer. You might sometimes edit there; at least, it's a
backup when you want to work offline.
- Always include the title, your name, and date on the title
- Number all pages, preferably at bottom center. Some official
styles remove page numbers but you can add them back until you are
submitting a final, accepted paper.
General Editing
- Place whitespace immediately before an open parenthesis or brace
or bracket, but not immediately after. Citations typically come
out in brackets, so leave a space before each of them.
- Don't place whitespace immediately before a closing parenthesis
or brace or bracket, but do place a space or a punctuation
character immediately after. Citations typically come out in
brackets, so leave a space or a punctuation character after each
of them.
- Place whitespace immediately after a comma, a colon, a period, or
a semicolon, but none immediately before them.
- Don't use footnotes. Decide if it is worth stating in the main
text; if not, don't say it.
- (Mike Huhns) Place a table's caption at the top.
- Place a figure's caption at the bottom. Don't also have a
caption within the figure—a risk when you draw it
separately and are including it in the paper. For separate
figure files, name the files systematically.
- Write all captions in sentence case: first letter (of first word)
upper case, all else lower case. End with a period (change of
mind from my previous guidance). As an aside, you can have long
captions to explain a figure right there, although generally you
would put the explanations in the main text.
- Almost always, you should refer to a figure from the main text.
The publication Nature doesn't do that, but most will
require it. It is a good idea even if not
required—otherwise your readers may be confused about why
you included a certain figure.
- Use a single closing quote (') to mean an apostrophe, e.g.,
"Bob's car." An opening quote does not an apostrophe make.
- Don't use too many contractions. In particular, never use
contractions such as "we'll," "I'll," "we've," and so on (not
even in a draft paper). For more formal work, don't even use
"don't," "doesn't," "can't," and "won't." And don't ever use "u"
and "ur" in any writing where there is the slightest risk that I
might see it.
- Don't use numerals in text for the smaller numbers. For example,
don't say "the agent talks to 3 other agents." Some publications
use words for numbers ten and smaller. That is a good strategy.
Conversely, don't spell out a large number such as 157. It would
be quite odd to read "our experiments involved one hundred fifty
seven agents."
- Write numbers larger than or equal to 1,000 with a comma at the
thousands place and in positions at multiples of three. But write
years without commas.
- Don't begin a sentence with a lowercase letter.
- For example, if you are saying something about a technical
word or a word in your program that begins with a lowercase
letter, try to work in another word in front of it. For example,
try not to write "serviceProvider refers to ..."; instead write
"The serviceProvider field refers to ..." I might accept
something like "eBay" where it is an established brand name
though it would always jar. Uniformity throughout a document is
key even in such a case.
- For example, if you are referring to a work by an author whose
last name begins with a particle such as "van" or "de" capitalize
it when you place it at the beginning of a sentence, as in "Van
Riemsdijk et al. [2017] show that, in contrast, ..." and sometimes
(for Dutch names especially) even in the middle of a sentence "In
contrast, Van Riemsdijk et al. [2017] show that ..." unless we
also include the author's first name, which we would rarely if
ever do. For other languages, we might not capitalize the
particle mid sentence but would capitalize it at the start of a
- Don't begin a sentence with a numeral.
- Don't begin a sentence with a citation.
- Don't begin a sentence with a bracket or parenthesis.
- When introducing a new term, don't use quotes; italicize the term
instead. In general, the fewer the quoted terms the better.
- In US usage, quotes apply in a noncontext free manner with
respect to commas and periods. For example, you would write
``this.'' and ``this,'' even though these are not context free in
the sense of formal grammar. The idea is that reducing the white
space visible above the punctuation makes the text look better,
at least once you get used to it.
- In the rare case where you must use a footnote, do not place its
superscript (in the main text) just before a comma or period.
This too is US usage (see above for quotes).
- In the rare case where you must use a footnote, do not place its
superscript (in the main text) just after a space or anything
that translates to a space, e.g., as a line break does in
- List three or more items with commas all the way: "A, B, and C"
but not "A, B and C" unless B and C together are one thing. In
that case, in some situations it might be better to phrase this
as "B and C, and A" (which deviates from this rule a little by
using a comma even when there are two items involved).
- Go easy on the subscripts. Latex makes it attractive to write
complex formulas, but complex formulas are never attractive.
Don't over-complicate your notation.
- Keep simple line-drawings in figures—clutter arises easily
if one is not careful and is not easy on the reader. Boxes with
shadings rarely look good in a paper—too industrial and too
much like a presentation. Scanned in figures are rarely
appropriate except for early drafts—and for early drafts
even scanned in hand drawings should be fine.
- Use the same typeface for text in figures as in the main paper
(times works well for both—even if they are slight variants
of each other).
- Use a smallish type size for the text in figures, e.g., 10 or
9pt. The main text of your paper will range from 10pt to 12pt,
so 10pt in the figures will be ideal.
- Draw figures to be about 3.25in wide or about 5.5in wide. The
former can fit in a two column format and save space. Doing so
is often a consideration for most conference submissions. The
latter can fit in the Springer Lecture Notes format, also a
common format for computer science publications.
- Color is fine, but relying on it is risky, because many readers
will print your paper on black-and-white printers. So you can't
exploit color in the text (e.g., by saying, "the green box") and
you ought to check that the greyscale version of the color is OK.
Also, remember that some readers are color blind. However, color
is useful when available, because it can highlight some
relationships—so use color but make sure the paper is
comprehensible in greyscale, e.g., by adding another feature such
as dashes.
- For an in-text formula, put any ending parentheses on the same
line as the rest of the formula—i.e., split the formula
somewhere other than at the last parenthesis or even the last few
- Treat all items in the same item list alike in terms of
- Capitalize sections, subsections, subsubsections (i.e., make
first letter of all big or important words upper case).
- When referring to a section, figure, table, chapter, algorithm,
or protocol, capitalize it, e.g., "Figure 4 illustrates this
point," but not otherwise, e.g., "the following figures show
- Use sentence case for paragraph headings and end each heading
with a period.
- End all items in an item list with or without periods (preferably
- A document node (e.g., section) should either have no children
(e.g., subsections) or have two or more children.
- Item lists and enumerations should have two or more entries.
- Use emphasis fonts, e.g., italics or bold, only for a few words
or phrases.
- I generally prefer to leave names of disciplines such as
"computer science" in lower case, instead of "Computer Science."
My rationale is that too many capitalized words spoil
readability. Further, capitalization makes concepts appear more
grand than they are.
- Here are some words to capitalize carefully both in main paper and your
bibliographic entries:
- Internet.
- Web.
- eBay.
- Names of people and adjectives based on names, e.g., Bayes,
Bayesian, and Boolean.
- When a whole sentence is parenthetical, the period that ends the
sentence goes within the parentheses.
Latex-Specific Points
- Write an en-dash as "--" with no spaces on either end. Thus
"11--23" will appear as "11–23" and that's how you want it.
Likewise, write an em-dash as "---" with no spaces on either
- Use quotes as ``correct''—Latex will then print them
correctly, although they might look weird on a browser. By
contrast, Latex will print "wrong" as having closing quotes on
either side.
- For a figure file to be included in Latex, make its name match
the internal Latex label for the figure. Make the file name an
English word (or words separated by hyphens), so the file name
can spell check properly.
- Insert a space in references: "Chapter3 discusses" => "Chapter 3
discusses." In Latex, this means you would place a tilde before
any \ref, as in "Section~\ref{sec-foo}."
- Don't use hard constants for internal references in the paper.
Use something like "Section~\ref{sec-foo} shows," which should
expand to the correct section number and with a space to boot.
Likewise, "Figure~\ref{fig-foo} illustrates ..." The tilde (~)
is a so-called tie in Latex. It forces the characters of either
side of it to be typeset with an intervening space but on the
same line. Using it helps avoid poor typesetting, e.g., where
the last word of a line or page is "Figure" and the first word of
the next line or page is "4."
- Avoid expressions such as "the following figures" or "the above
figures" because (1) Latex may place the figures differently from
what you might expect when you edit the file or change the style
and (2) you may move text around and suddenly find these implicit
references (i.e., "above" and "following") to be out of
- Where appropriate use \texttt{...} to place a term or expression
in typewriter (aka teletype or tt) font. This is good for small
code-like text. I have recently taken to using \textsf{...} for
the above purposes—this yields narrower text and seems to
typeset better than \texttt. For URLs and even snippets that are
not URLs (e.g., r/CMV), it is better to enclose them in \url{},
which typesets them correctly and avoids line overflows.
- Don't use math fonts for identifiers that are longer than a
letter. That is, $FP$ is wrong. It shows up with a large gap
between the F and the P. Instead use \emph{FP} or even
\textit{FP} in normal text and \textit{FP} if you need to enclose
it in a mathematical formula or another mathematical environment.
When you need such an identifier as a subscript or superscript,
enclose it in \mathrm as in $Q_{\mathrm{FP}}$.
- When you have identifiers for which you need numerals, such as
agents A1 and A2, write these with subscripts as in $A_1$ and
$A_2$. When you have multiword identifiers you will need
additional markup to prevent the default Latex math font from
kicking in. You might use $\textrm{ABC}_1$ or $\textit{ABC}_1$.
Or, you might place the subscript alone in math as in
- For large formulas (with multiple subscripts), use \[ \] or other
display modes in Latex to make sure they are large enough to
- Use BibTeX, of course. For some purposes, I use biblatex and
biber, which too uses bibliography entries in the BibTeX
- Place your own bib entries in a separate file, ideally named
your-first-name.bib, your-last-name.bib, or even
your-eos-login-ID.bib (least preferred, since this ID
won't generally be a name). Capitalize the file name so we can
have a spell checker learn it.
- Do not copy over bib entries from my file into yours. Duplicate
versions generate spurious warnings and are difficult to
maintain. Periodically, I may want to clean up the entries you
made and add them to one of my files. You have access to my
files, of course.
- Do not hardcode your bibliography path into the Latex
command for inserting a bibliography. Instead, use an
environment variable that Latex uses to access the correct
bibliography files. On Windows, this is the variable
BIBINPUTS; using it enables us both to work on the same
document without having to edit the path repeatedly.
- By default, use fullname references, readily generated using
in the preamble and end of the Latex source files.
- When the required style is not compatible with the above, you can
still include the names of authors in the main text so that it
reads something like "Singh et al. [11] claim ...".
- To use BibTeX correctly, you must put each reference into an
entry of the correct kind, e.g., @book, @article, @inproceedings,
and others.
- Use braces { } for each field with a string instead of double quotes.
- For fields with a number (e.g., year, chapter, volume, number),
just write the number (no braces or quotes).
- For fields with defined symbols, use the symbol (no braces or
quotes). The most important case of symbols is the month field: use
a three-letter month name (e.g., jan) and let BibTeX expand it as
appropriate for the current style. You can also define your own
symbols. For example, I define and use LNCS for the famous Springer series.
- Supply correct names for the publication forum (e.g., journal),
appropriately capitalized. In particular, the booktitle, title, and
journal fields should be in title case. DBLP often doesn't provide
correct capitalizations so you cannot rely on it.
- BibTeX (when used with the common BibTeX styles) converts all article and chapter titles (but not booktitles) to sentence case. This normalization can mess up the capitalization of some words. To make sure that certain words (such as Internet) are capitalized or are written in mixed case (such as tModel), enclose the entire word in braces, e.g., {Internet}. In more detail,
title = {Life on the {Internet}}
If the bib style a publisher required were to force the entire
title into uppercase, the above won't work, but I haven't
encountered such a style. A safer style would be {I}nternet, but
I don't like this because it makes checking spellings harder. An
unacceptably poor style is to enclose the entire title in double
braces, since doing so precludes BibTeX from changing the
capitalization at all.
- If a title field contains a colon, write the next word is
capitalized, even if it is "A". For example,
title = {Life on the {Internet}: A Brief Report}
Oddly enough, BibTeX is confused by question marks in a title, so you need
braces for the following word, as in
title = {Life on the {Internet}? {An} Impossible Idea}
Without these braces, it would print "An" in lowercase.
- Remove redundant info, which most prominently shows up in
proceedings booktitle fields. "Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on
Foo (Foo 2022)" could be shortened to "Proceedings of the Conference on
Foo (Foo)" even if it is not the official title. Also, Springer has
the bad habit of putting dates and locations in titles and DBLP puts
them in booktitle. Remove that information and place in month, year,
and address fields.
- BibTeX has a flaw in that it confuses the location of a
conference with the location of the publisher using the address field for
both. I suppose specific styles could do better but most don't as
far as I know. I adopted the convention of using address to mean
conference location since that is more informative than knowing that
ACM (for example) is based in New York.
- Supply page numbers. For the newer styles and publishing
practices (such as ACM's) also supply (if available) the articleno
and numpages fields. Some styles can use that information.
- Supply a DOI if one exists; if not, and an ISBN (for a book) or URL
exists, add it. If a DOI is known, exclude the URL and ISBN.
- For collections, supply an editor; for proceedings you don't need
to and I never do.
- For collections and books, supply a publisher. Use a short name
for the publisher as in my bib file. Supply an address for the
publisher as a city name; the state and country name are not
needed for well-known cities, e.g., "Berlin" is good
enough—you don't need "Berlin, Germany."
- Use full first names of authors (along with middle initials and
full last name), not "G.B. Shaw" but "George B. Shaw" or even
"George Bernard Shaw" (if, like Ralph Waldo Emerson, the author
is known with their full middle name).
- End each initial with a period.
- For multiple authors or editors, BibTeX uses
{First1 M1. Last1 and First2 M2. Last2 and First3 M3. Last3 and
First4 M4. Last4}
The correct entries are generated from the above syntax; by
contrast, if you start with
{First1 M1. Last1, First2 M2. Last2, First3 M3. Last3, and
First4 M4. Last4}
it acts as if you have two authors, one with a long, weird name.
Good examples are in the bib files I post.
- First authors with names with suffixes must be treated specially;
see my bib files; look for "Petrie, Jr.," for example.
- For a version to be published, it is good practice to include
Bibtex's output bibliography into the Latex file and post-edit it
if necessary. Doing so has the benefit of freezing the
bibliography as part of the document, even if you were to modify
your bib files later. Overleaf has an option to download the .bbl
file for your project and then you have to copy its contents
into the Latex source in lieu of the \bibliography command.
Drawing Tools
I don't use drawing tools any more for serious writing and prefer to
produce my diagrams using tikz, a Latex package that helps
high-quality pictures and enables using Latex fonts and math. But
here are some points for the cases where you use drawing tools.
- When you are drawing, make the grid visible to simplify alignment.
- Use boxes of a reasonably large size.
- Align all boxes on grid lines.
- Make sure that the boxes are of the same width and height,
especially those within the same column and row, respectively.
- Place all connectors (lines) on connection points.
- To that end, make connection points visible and insert connection
points on box edges if you need to.
- You can copy the boxes and drums from my older diagrams for
- Make sure the connectors go on the grid lines.
- Magnify to 400% to check alignment.