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Terms and Conditions and Preparation Instructions for Exams and Homeworks

Mandatory Terms and Conditions

I want to reinforce the points about academic integrity and about respect for copyright.

If you don't accept the above terms, the only option is to withdraw from the course. Contact the graduate or undergraduate program director.

If you accept the above terms, click below to retrieve the current exam.

Preparation Instructions

  1. Submit as a single PDF file to the appropriate locker.
  2. Name the file with your unity ID, i.e., unityID.pdf or unityID-H1.pdf
  3. You may prepare your solutions in a separate document—that is, you don't have to copy the exam or homework problems document into your solution. Type in your affirmation verbatim on the first page and type your name below (to count as a signature).
  4. Make sure you prepare your solution in typed text or neat handwriting. Scanned in pencil writing does not work. Dark backgrounds do not work. Phone camera photos of notebooks do not work.
  5. Use 1 inch margins and 12pt text. I will be printing the exams out at about 110% magnification for easy reading. Text that's close to the edge may get cut off.
  6. Write your name on every page in the top margin but 0.8 or more inches away from the page's edge.
  7. Sign the affirmation by hand and scan it OR type in the affirmation text with your name typed below it. Place the affirmation at the beginning of the first page of your submission.
  8. Note that we ask for brief explanations for every answer you provide, including for the true-false questions.
  9. There are small deductions of points for failing to meet these preparation instructions.