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EOL Exam Instructions
Here are the key steps and instructions for conducting exams for
EOL students.
- EOL students can take the exam with the class if
they confirm with the TA and the EOL office at least a day
in advance. This is the simplest approach if it works, but it
may not work if there is no space available.
- Students should work with the EOL office to identify suitable
proctors -- at least one but perhaps another as backup. They
should do this early in the semester, even if they hope to take
their exams with the class.
- The exams must be conducted on the same day as scheduled for
on-campus students -- any time during the day is fine.
- The exams must be proctored -- not to take home or
- I email the quiz sheet to the EOL office at least one business
day before the date of the exam.
- The EOL office forwards the quiz sheet to designated proctors.
- Computers, phones, PDAs, calculators, media players, and other
such gadgets that might be used to store information, communicate,
or perform computations are not allowed.
- Collusion or cheating of any form are forbidden. You can be asked
to explain your solutions verbally.
- Instructions for proctoring exams for EOL students.
- Print the quiz sheet and hand it over to students. Give them
some blank paper as well.
- The duration of an exam scheduled during a regular 75-minute
class is 60 minutes (in case there are logistical problems). The
duration of an exam scheduled during a three-hour official finals
slot is 75 minutes.
- The exams are conducted as closed book and closed notes.
- Exactly one crib sheet is allowed in an exam.
- Each crib sheet belonging to a student must have the student's
name in the top right corner.
- Crib sheets may not be shared (but students may prepare their
crib sheets cooperatively ahead of the exam, if they like).
- Each crib sheet should be hand-written or printed on one side of
a letter-sized or A4 sheet of paper with one inch margins all
- The text size should be no smaller than 10pt.
- The proctor (not the student) should scan and email the completed
exam to the EOL office immediately after the exam. I
understand this address is exams_eol followed by @
followed by ncsu followed by .edu.
- The proctor (not the student) should mail the hardcopy (stapled
on top left corner) to the EOL office, postmarked by the next
morning. Save a photocopy until the EOL office acknowledges
receipt of the mailed original.
- No copy of the quiz sheet may be left with the student.
The original that you gave them should be stapled on the
student's exam sheets prior to mailing.
- The EOL office should collect the exams from the various
proctors. Drop the scanned PDF files you receive into an
appropriate locker that you and I have agreed upon. Send me an
email when you do so. If scanning is not possible, place all
hardcopy exams in one envelope and send it to me ideally in one
of the following ways:
- Hand the envelope to me in person.
- Leave the envelope under my office door. If you do so, make sure
you push it in far enough that it cannot be removed from the
outside. Send me an email when you do so.
- Hand the envelope to the Department of Computer Science
receptionist, who can put it in a secure mailbox. Send me an email
when you do so.
- Hand the envelope to a trusted person (another EOL staff member,
the TA, or the videographers for the given course) with a request
to convey it to me. Send me an email when you do so.