Creating UML 2.0 Sequence Diagrams in IBM RSA v8.0
These instructions were created by Anup Kalia, a PhD student in our
department. Anup is helping informally with this course.
- Log in to VCL. Make a
new reservation by selecting the environment
- Navigate through the following to open IBM RSA Start->All
Programs->IBM Software Delivery Platform->IBM Rational Software
Architect for WebSphere Software 8.0.1-> IBM Rational Software
Architect for WebSphere Software
- Once the Eclipse-based framework opens, create a new project
File->New->Model Project
- Make sure you are in the Modelling perspective
- Give a project name "CSC513_CaseStudy" and click next
- Rename the file name to the project name and click next
- Select the default diagram type to be "Deployment Diagram" and
click Finish to create the project
- Browse through the following
- Right click on CSC513_CaseStudy and select Add Diagram->Sequence
- Now you can view a canvas in the center with a palette to the
right-side of it. From the palette you can select several UML
options to create a sequence diagram
- Left click on the "LifeLine" and drag it on to the canvas. Click
on "Create Class" to give a name to the object
- Create an asynchronous message between two lifelines
- Drag the "Alternate Combine Fragement" option to create an ALT
option. Add suitable guards to the option
- To save the sequence diagram as an image right click on the
canvas and select File->Save As Image File..
- You can export the project by right clicking on the project name
and selecting CSC513_CaseStudy->Export
- Select General->Archive File
- Export the Project as *.zip file (contains 2 files: .project and <file name>.emx)
- Save the file as an "Archive File"
- You can import the project by right clicking on the Project Explorer
- Select General->Existing Project into Workspace
- Select Archive and then Browse to select your zip file
- For creating a PDF document as a part of deliverables, copy the images of sequence diagrams on to a WORD document and export the
document as a PDF file
- For submitting a worklog, goto "C:\Users\<unity Id>\Rabbit" and compress the folder "C.Users.Administrator.IBM.rationalsdp.workspace" as a .zip file. Rename the file as "worklog_<unity Id>_<mm-dd-yy-hour-min>.zip". Everytime you log in to VCL create a separate worklog and submit it. Please exit IBM RSA first and then zip the folder.