CSC513 Project 1: Getting Familiar with Datapower
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The goal of this project is to get you familiar with Datapower, which we will use throughout this semester for programming assignments. Datapower is a highly effient XML processing hardware which sits in front of an enterprise, and can process incoming service requests before routing to the service endpoints. Datapower offers message encryption, firewall filtering, digital sigatures, schema validation, WS-Security, XML access control, message format transformation, and many others. The figure below illustrate the intermediary position of datapower in the enterprise architecture.
- deploy a web service in your choice of server and technology
- make a program client which invokes the service
- create a Datapower "Multi-Protocol Gateway" which intercept messages from the client and route the message to the service using the following steps
log in with your user name and password to Datapower WebGUI with domain "testing"
click Services->Multi-Protocol Gateway->Add, then you will get the screen like below
name "Multi-Protocol Gateway Name" to "YourGroupID_P1"
set "Backend URL" to your service endpoint, for example, ""
add "Multi-Protocol Gateway Policy" named "CSC513P1_Policy" which simply route message between service and client
create "Front Side Protocol" by clicking the "+" and choose "HTTP Front Side Handler", and a window will pop up. Name the handler and choose a non-conflicting port number, leave others to default, then "apply" and close.
check "XML" for "Request Type" and "Response Type"
leave others to default, and "apply"
- submit your client and service source files to course locker
- leave your correctly configured "Multi-Protocol Gateway" at Datapower
- you will be scheduled to do a demo (TBA)
- serivce is running (30 pts)
- client can invoke service directly (20 pts)
- client can send request to Datapower and datapower route the request to service provider (50 pts)