If you run JBoss 5.0 and your Java program can talk to JBoss Message Queue perfectly fine, please ignore this message. (NOTICE: the example program is for JBoss 4.2.1 version)

If you are trying to run JBoss 4.2.1 and have some problems, please read. This should guide you through running a simple Java application communicating with JBoss 4.2.1 Message Queue.

Software you need:

1. JBoss 4.2.1

2. JDK 5.0; Jboss 4.2.1 needs JDK 5.0 NOT 6.0.

3. Example Java Application.(It is a slightly modified version from the example for your convenience)

4. lib.jar


1. install JDK 5.0, and also make sure your environment variable JAVA_HOME set to the JDK 5.0 installation directory 

2. Extact the zipped Jboss4.2.1 and execute jboss-4.2.1.GA\bin\run; wait until JBoss is started.

3. Add lib.jar to your classpath; the java program will need this library.

4. Compile and run Java Program


If you still have problems, please Google first to see if you can find answers online, and also check the message board. You are welcome to share how to get JBoss running and how to get a example Java Program communicating with JBoss Message Queue.