CSC 513 Project 1: Validate XML
- Please use your unity ID as your filenames, for example, chang.xsd and chang.xml .
- Before submitting your files, you should use DOMEcho validator to validate your XML. Since different validators might have slightly different bahaviors, please make sure your schema can work using DOMEcho validator.
java DOMEcho -xsdss unity-id.xsd unity-id.xml
Add XSD examples: csc513news.xsd, csc513news2.xsd.
For this assignment, you will be defining the XML schemas for CSC513
news rss/atom feed. You will have to design your own CSC513 news rss
feed XML, as well as XSD schema of the feed XML. There are two
csc513news.xml (xsd),
csc513news2.xml (xsd),
(please do not use the same format as these two examples).
The feed should contain
- version
- language
- feed title
- URL link
- author name and email
- copyright
- modified datetime
- news entries, which contain
- entry title
- entry link
- id
- summary
- posted date
- modified datetime
- news content
- Submit an XML schema for the CSC513 news feed (use unity ID as filename, say, chang.xsd).
- Submit an example xml file that instantiates the schema, i.e., chang.xml (use unity ID as filename)
This is more or less the assignment. Further fine-tuning may be done in the next couple
of days. Be sure to check out this page.