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SOC book        PHIC book


Defended: Karthik Sheshadri
Employed: Nirav Ajmeri, as postdoc
New Course: Natural Language Processing
Recognized: Chris Hazard, as Department of Computer Science Young Alumnus
Qualified: Hui Guo and Zhen Guo
Proposed: Karthik Sheshadri
Defended: Nirav Ajmeri
Moved: Pınar Yolum, Utrecht
Relaxed! Munindar, on finishing six years as EIC of ACM TOIT and one year as interim associate department head
Award: Pınar Yolum and Nirmit Desai inducted into the Department of Computer Science Alumni Hall of Fame
New Course: Social Computing, undergrad approval
Proposed: Nirav Ajmeri
Employed: Pradeep Murukannaiah, RIT
All News (since 2008)

The first book on Multiagent Systems: now available for free download

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Postal Address
Munindar P. Singh
Box 8206
Department of Computer Science
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-8206, USA
Courier Address
Munindar P. Singh
Engineering Building 2, Room 3320
Department of Computer Science
North Carolina State University
890 Oval Drive
Raleigh, NC 27606, USA