Joseph A. SCHATZ
- June 23, 1924
- September 1974
- BS, Electrical Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1947
PhD, Brown University, 1952
- Editorial Assistant, Mathematical Reviews, 1948-52
Instructor, Lehigh University, 1952-55
Instructor, University of Connecticut, 1955-57
Sandia Corporation, 1957-72
Associate Professor, Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Houston, 1972-76
Associate Professor, Mathematics, University of Houston, 1976-97
- Cognitive Sciences
Artificial Intelligence
Human Development
Applications of Mathematics
Applications of Computing
- American Mathematical Society
Mathematical Association of America
Association for Symbolic Logic
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Association for Artificial Intelligence
Sigma Xi
Eta Kappa Nu
Phi Kappa Phi
Tau Beta Pi
- Albuquerque Moonwatch Team;
furnished predictions of satellite
appearances, 1958.
AMS; on the automation of Math Reviews,
Professional Activities
Meetings Attended
- International Congress of Mathematicians, Cambridge, 1950
- Conference on Matrix Computations, Detroit, 1957
- Symposium on Numerical Approximation, Madison, 1958
- AMS, Cambridge, 1958
- Symposium on Boundary Value Problems in Differential Equations,
Madison, 1959
- Interdisciplinary Conference on Self-Organizing Systems, Chicago,
- AMS, Salt Lake City, 1959
- ACM, Rio Grande Chapter, Holloman, 1959
- Symposium on the Structure of Language and its Mathematical
Aspects, AMS, New York, 1960
- ACM, Rio Grande Chapter, Los Alamos, 1969
- Summer Conference on Advances in the use of Digital Computers,
Chapel Hill, 1960
- ACM, Milwaukee, 1960
- AMS, East Lansing, 1960
- ACM Compilier Symposium, Washington, 1960
- Symposium on Mathematical Problems in the Biological Sciences,
AMS, New York, 1961
- 7th Co-op Conference, Washington, 1961
- ACM, Rio Grande Chapter, Phoenix, 1961
- AMS, Stillwater, 1961
- ACM, Los Angeles, 1961
- AMS, Atlantic City, 1962
- Brooklyn Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Automata, New
York, 1962
- MAA, Southwestern Section, Albuquerque, 1962
- Parallel Circuits, Automata, and Adaptive Systems, Ann Arbor, 1962
- AMS, Berkeley, 1963
- International Symposium on the Theory of Models, Berkeley, 1963
- AMS, Boulder, 1963
- ACM, Rio Grande Chapter, Taos, 1962
- Fall Joint Computer Conference, Las Vegas, 1963
- AMS, Miami, 1964
- International Colloquium on Algebraic Linguistics and Automata
Theory, Jerusalem, 1964
- International Colloquium for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of
Science, Jerusalem, 1964
- ACM, Rio Grande Chapter, Albuquerque, 1964
- AMS Denver, 1965
- International Federation for Information Processing Conference,
New York, 1965
- AMS, Chicago, 1966
- AMS, Houston, 1967
- Conference on Communication Problems in the Mathematical Sciences,
Providence, 1967
- AMS, New Orleans, 1969
- AMS, San Antonio, 1970
- AMS, Laramie, 1970
- AMS, Atlantic City, 1971
- ACM, Rio Grande Chapter, Albuquerque, 1971
- AMS, Las Vegas, 1972
- AMS, Dallas, 1973
- University of Houston Lattice Theory Conference, 1973
- 10th Symposium on Biomathematics and Computer Science in the Life
Sciences, Houston, 1973
- 5th annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing, Austin, 1973
- Invited attendee at the NSF Regional Conference on Programming
Methodology, Albuquerque, January 1974
- 2nd annual Research Symposium of the Baylor College of Medicine,
Houston, 1974
- 1st Trans-Disciplinary Symposium on the Interface of Philosophy
and Medicine, Galveston, 1974
- An International Colloquium on the History of Medicine, Galveston,
- AMS Regional meeting, Houston, 1974
- 2nd annual Symposium on Computer Architecture, Houston, 1974
- 3rd annual Research Symposium of the Baylor College of Medicine,
- 3rd Keck Symposium on Computational Biology 1992
Invited Addresses
Lecture Series at Sandia Corporation
- "Rings of Continuous Functions", 1958
- "ALGOL 60", 1960 and 1961
- "Theory of Computability", 1962
- Expanded version of "Theory of Computability", 1962
- "Logic and Model Theory", 1964
Pre-College Groups
Several dozen talks to Junior High School and High School groups on
such topics as:
- "Binary numbers and people computers, Densent packing
problems, fixed point theorems".
- (3 hours) Mathematics Teachers Seminar, "An introduction to
the theory of games", 1962.
- (2 hours) Mathematics Teachers Seminar, "The Busy Beaver
Contest - An introduction to Computability", 1965.
- Albuquerque Council of Teachers of Mathematics, "Growth
Patterns", 1968.
- Three talks at the 14th National Science Seminar Series at the
National Science Fair, 1963.
Sandia Mathematics Colloquia
- (3 hours) "Decision Problems", 1961
- "Recursive function theory", 1962
- "Automata Theory", 1962
- "Pattern Recognition and the Perception Convergence
Theorem", 1963
- (3 hours) "Theorem proving by computer and the completeness
theorem", 1964
- "Citation indices", 1964
- "The Sandia Citation Index of Mathematics Papers", 1970
- "The Busy Beaver Problem, Another View of
Computability", 1971
- "Earth Satellites", Geology Section of the Albuquerque
petroleum Club, 1958.
- "Logic and Model Theory", University of New Mexico
Mathematics Colloquium, 1965.
- Addresses at various sections of the Sandia Department Managers
Computer Concepts. Courses on various topics concerning the
relationships between mathematics and computing, 1965-66.
- "A mathematician's eye-view of computers", University of
New Mexico Mathematics Colloquium, 1971.
- "The Busy Beaver Problem, Another view of
Computability", University of New Mexico Computer Science
Colloquium, 1971.
- "On non-repetitive sequences", MAA Southwestern Section,
- "Piaget, the Object Concept and the Permanence of Objects: A
Continuing search", Bienniel International Conference of Infant
Studies, New York, New York, (presented by G. Gratch), 1984.
- Albert Wilansky, Functional Analysis, Blaisdell, 1964,
pp. xi, 23.
- Bell, Blum, Lewis, and Rosenblatt, Modern University
Calculus, Holden-Day, 1966, p. vii.
- E. Thorp and W. E. Walden, "A computer assisted study of Go
on MxN Boards", Information Sciences 4 (1972),
- R. B. Worrell and B. L. Hulme, "Efficient ordering of set
expressions for symbolic expansion", J. Assoc. Comp. Mach.
20 (1973), 482-488.
- H. E. Guttmann, R. G. Easterling, and R. G. Webster, "The
effects of Flicker on Performance as a Function of Taskloading",
Sandia Corporation Tech. Memo., November 1972.
- Jon Doyle, 30-40 papers from 1980 to date.
- Review of a paper by M. Fukamiya, Math. Reviews 14
(1953), 884. (For many years this review was the standard source for a
proof that every B*-algebra is a C*-algebra.)
- "Representation of Banach algebras with an involution",
Canadian J. Math. 9 (1957), 435-442. (This work has
recently become popular and some of the results are incorporated in
Bonsall and Duncan, Complete Normed Algebras, Springer, 1973).
- Over 100 technical reports and letters written at Sandia
Corporation (samples available).
- "An ill-conceived proposal for apportionment of the U. S.
House of Representatives" (with E. J. Gilbert), Operations
Research 12 (1964), 768-773.
- "The Nature of Truth", Sandia Corporation Technical
Memorandum, December, 1967.
- "On 2-Level orthogonal arrays of odd index" (with J. R.
Blum and E. Seiden), J. Combinatorial Theory 9 (1970),
- "Some super-classics of mathematics", Notices of the
Amer. Math. Soc. 18 (1971), 723-725.
- "A Mathematics Citation Index", Sandia Corporation
Research Report SC-RR-70-910., (Reviewed in Math. of Comp.
27 (1973), 997- 998).
- "On non-repetitive sequences" (with R. C. Entringer and
D. E. Jackson), J. Combinatorial Theory, Sect. A, 16
(1974), 159-164.
- "The King is Dead, Long Live the King" (With G. Gratch),
invited review of Action and Thought: From Sensorimotor schemes to
Symbolic Operations, G. E. Forman (Ed.,), Contemporary
Psychology 28 (1983), 131-132.
- "Cognitive development: The relevance of Piaget's infancy
books" (with G. Gratch). In J. D. Osofsky (Ed.), Handbook of
Infant Development, 2nd Edition, pp. 204-237. Wiley, New York,
- "Evaluating Piaget's infacy books as works-in-progress: The
case of prehension" (with G. Gratch), Human Development
31 (1988), 82-91.
- "Another look at Piaget's books on Infancy" (with
G. Gratch), Human Devlopment 31 (1988), 245-255.