LCPC 2015

The 28th International Workshop on
Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing

September 9-11, 2015    ·    Raleigh, NC, USA

Colocated with CnC-2015


The LCPC workshop is a forum for sharing research on all aspects of concurrency: parallel languages, parallel programming models, compilers, runtime systems, and tools. The scope of the workshop spans foundational results and practical experience, early ideas and interesting results. LCPC encourages work that goes outside the scope of scientific computing and enables parallel programming in new areas, such as mobile computing and data centers.

LCPC 2015 will take place at Raleigh, NC, USA.

The Seventh Annual Concurrent Collections Workshop (CnC-2015) will be colocated with LCPC 2015. It will take place September 7-8. Please see the CnC-2015 website for more details.

Specific topics of LCPC 2015 include:

Papers should report on original research, and should include enough background material to make them accessible to the entire LCPC research community. Papers describing experiences should indicate how they illustrate general principles; papers about parallel programming foundations should indicate how they relate to practice.

LCPC 2015 papers are limited to 15 pages in the Springer LNCS format. Papers must be submitted in PDF format and must be viewable by Adobe Acrobat Reader. Papers that are not readable are automatically rejected. The proceedings will be published by Springer. Authors of accepted papers and posters will be required to sign the Springer copyright form. Instructions for preparing papers for the proceedings will be emailed to authors of accepted papers.

All submissions must be made electronically through this submission website.

Submission Due: 11:59pm June 26, 2015 11:59pm June 29, 2015 (Any Time on Earth; No More Extensions)
Notification Date: August 6, 2015
Final Papers Due: August 28, 2015

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