Professional Activities
Panels Organized by Munindar P. Singh
- Context-Aware Mobile
Services. Held at the IEEE International Services
Congress, Santa Clara, June 2013.
- Service
Ecosystems. Held at the IEEE International Services
Congress, Hawaii, June 2012.
- Business Process Management: A Killer App
for Agents?. Held at the International Joint Conference on
Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems, New York, July 2004.
- Conducting Business via P2P. Held
at the Third International Workshop on Agents and Peer-to-Peer
Computing (AP2PC), New York, July 2004.
- Mind Your P's: Processes, Policies, and
Protocols. Held at the World Wide Web Conference, New York,
May 2004.
- General Cochair, 4th International Joint Conference on Autonomous
Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), Utrecht, The Netherlands,
July 2005.
- Program Vice Chair, Internet and Web Computing, 25th
International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS),
Columbus, Ohio, June 2005.
- Coorganizer, 7th International Workshop on Trust, Privacy,
Deception, and Fraud, New York, 2004.
- Finance Chair, 3rd International Joint Conference on Autonomous
Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), New York, July 2004.
- Program Cochair, 2nd International Workshop on Agents
and Peer-to-Peer Computing, Melbourne, 2003.
- Coorganizer, 6th International Workshop on Trust, Privacy,
Deception, and Fraud, Melbourne, 2003.
- Coorganizer, 5th International Workshop on Deception, Trust, and
Fraud, Bologna, 2002.
- Coorganizer, International Workshop on Regulated Agent-Based
Social Systems: Theories and Applications (RASTA), 2002.
- Coorganizer, 4th International Workshop on Deception, Trust, and
Fraud, Montreal 2001.
- Program Cochair, Autonomous Agents Workshop on Deception, Fraud
and Trust in Agent Societies, June 2000.
- Americas program chair, The Fifth International Workshop on Agent
Theories, Architectures, and Languages (ATAL), 1998.
- Americas program chair, Second IFCIS Conference on Cooperative
Information Systems (CoopIS), 1997.
- General chair and Americas program chair for The Fourth
International Workshop on Agent Theories, Architectures, and
Languages (ATAL), 1997.
I have served on the program committees for a number of conferences
and workshops. Some of these are
- Program Committee, 2nd International Conference on
Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC), New York, November 2004.
- Program Committee, 2nd International Conference on Web Services
(ICWS), San Diego, July 2004.
- Senior Program Committee, 2nd International Joint Conference on
Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), Melbourne, July
- Program Committee, 2nd International Semantic Web Conference
(ISWC), Sanibel Island, Florida, October 2003.
- Senior Program Committee, 1st International Joint Conference on
Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), Bologna, July
- 5th International Workshop on Cooperative Information Agents
(CIA), 2001.
- ICMAS Workshop on Norms, Obligations, and Conventions, 1995.
- International Conference on Autonomous Agents (AA), 1997, 1998,
1999, 2000, 2001 (merged into AAMAS as of 2002).
- Workshop on Theoretical and Practical Foundations of Intelligent
Agents, 1996.
- International Conference on Multiagent Systems (ICMAS), 1996,
1998, 2000 (merged into AAMAS as of 2002).
- First IFCIS Conference on Cooperative Information Systems
(CoopIS), 1996.
- Third International Workshop on Agent Theories, Architectures, and
Languages (ATAL), 1994, 1995, 1996, 1999, 2000 (merged into AAMAS
as of 2002).
- National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 1994.
- International Conference on Cooperating Knowledge-Based Systems,